Skell Boy
14/07/2020 Acrylic on Board, Tile Cement and Plaster
Two separate boards both 600mm x 800mm. I have not retouched the photographs
This was a early piece using tile cement to key the plywood then with plaster applied on top. The plaster is painted with white emulsion and then with black acrylic. This creates a giant scraper board. Various types of scratching and carving into the surface provide differences in line quality. Coloured paint can be applied to the revealed white plaster. the process has similarities to print making e.g. linocut and etching.
Scroll down to see prep work ⇓
Skell Boy - prep
14/07/2020 Acrylic on Board, Tile Cement and Plaster
The original thought was to do something on The Trial by Kafka. I had in mind the part where K climbs the stairs to be met by the gatekeeper who bars his way into the room where the judges are waiting - at least that is my memory of the book from 38 years ago. That didn't work so I changed it into a face and then added another board for the torso. I had planned legs as well bit the whole piece became unwieldy.