Cut-Out Ravel
Spring Season1983
Artwork for Showcard, Brochure Page and Poster
I worked as a screen printer and graphic designer at Ravel Shoes Head Office in Neasden from 1977 - 1983
This is a photograph of the artwork which was a cut-out of a galley proof from a fashion shoot, hand cut PMT lettering using Letraline, spray mounted onto CS10 board. Many years before the Apple Macintosh revolutionised art work and with that design itself.
This pic was taken by Richard Lohr with styling by Suzi Slack ( I think) The shoes we had to use for fashion shoots were always samples which came in size 4 ( small) So we had to use small models and even then we managed to cripple a few. Models are the most patient people I have ever met.
Scroll down for more related work

Tube poster
Spring Season1983
Artwork for Showcard, Brochure Page and Tube Poster

Show Card
I would like to point out that I used to be quite good shit hot
All Photos art directed by me. These pics were taken by Nick Cant Remember His Surname. The models jumped off a platform in front of a huge mirror posing on the way down to get this effect. Happy days.

Event poster and invitation
Held at L'Escargot Soho
I was sooooo excited to have a Champaign Brunch - before the Press arrived and we had to clear off!