About me

My Background
From 1977 to 2014 I worked in graphic design, display, branding and B2B marketing. I held senior positions at large London consultancies before founding, owning and managing two London design and marketing consultancies. Sectors included technology, insurance, media, retail, tourism, telecoms, property, fashion etc.
Why Fine Art now ?
Like many people I wonder what would have happened if I had made a different choice at a critical moment in the past.
In the early 1970s I enrolled on the graphics Dip AD course at Wolverhampton Polytechnic, Faculty of Art And Design but was not interested in the course and took myself off to the print room.
Half way though the three year course they suggested I move to Fine Art but I felt that it would make no difference.
In the end I had a successful career but not because of the course as I learned everything "on the job".
After I retired I wondered what it would be like to be a Fine Artist and so here I am.
Apart from certain mark making techniques Fine Art is almost entirely different to commercial art.
I graduated with an MA Fine Art - Merit in 2022 and continue to work
Photography MA
As of September 2024 I am undertaking a one year MA in Photography at Hereford College of Art